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Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprossesing is a well renown and highly effective modality for treating trauma. When we sleep, our brains process what happens to us during the day. Sometimes the trauma is too big, however, and gets stuck in the primal part of our brain. EMDR helps the brain heal itself in allowing the trauma to move to the frontal lobe where it has access to new perception, good decision making, and ultimately diffuses any disturbance around the event at the root.


Because we are hard wired to turn away from pain, however, the avoidance perpetuates the pain. The judgement we place on our thoughts and feelings often exacerbates them. Mindfulness turns toward the pain in allowing ALL emotions, not judging them, observing then pass through so they can them move on. I encourage all of my clients to practice meditation and compassion which research shows helps to regulate the nervous system.


Internal Family Systems (IFS) addresses “parts” or aspects of the self that are created when we are young to help protect us. Everyone has parts but sometimes these parts can dissociate from one another in order to protect from pain. The goal of treatment is to understand and encourage parts to work together as a whole system, allowing the client to be in alignment with their truest and best self.

Relational Therapy

This is an approach that can help us recognize the role relationships play in the shaping of daily experiences. It attempts to help us understand patterns appearing in the thoughts and feelings we have toward ourselves. The stronger and more fulfilling relationships we have with others can help us maintain emotional well-being.

Learn More About EMDR

Courtesy of EMDRIA

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